Planning for 2022

I am delighted to say that planning for the 2022 Festival is in full flow and going very well. There will be a great range of events in a programme spread over a week and 2 weekends, starting on Friday, 30th September.

Many thanks to those of you who suggested ideas for acts and events at the Festival. We are working on them, but there is still time for other ideas, so please get them to me and the committee as soon as possible.

We are working towards having classical music at the Bridge Hotel and in St James Church. Theatre will also be on the programme and possibly dance. We are planning to have a Literary Lunch and are currently working with the excellent Wetherby Reading Roots Bookshop to bring some first class speakers to this event.

As you may imagine, to plan, organise and run the Festival is a significant undertaking.  Although we have a great planning team – all of us are local people doing this in a voluntary capacity – we would welcome further support, so please consider thinking about getting involved.

We do have a specific position for membership secretary. If this should interest you do get in touch.  It is not too onerous but is a great way to get to know our members.  

We have an AGM coming up in March – a separate communication to members will follow about that.

There will be lots more to report soon and I am confident that the final programme will be superb with something for everyone.

With best regards
Robert Haskins
Festival Chair


Festival update


2021 Festival highlights